We continue to celebrate Volunteers’ Week 2024 this week by spotlighting the work of our regional garden partners.
Our Regional Garden Partners are corporate supporters that get involved and support what we do at Horatio’s Garden. They each provide dedicated support to one of our gardens and are actively involved in the garden volunteer team, supporting our Head Gardeners and also events for patients and their families. They also volunteer on our fundraising committees and take on their own fundraising challenges to raise vital funds for Horatio’s Garden.
In Horatio’s Garden Wales, Hugh James has assisted Head Gardener, Owen Griffiths by volunteering weekly in the garden since it was built. They also help to host garden events, with an upcoming afternoon tea and treasure hunt planned for patients and their families later this month. Some of the Hugh James team are also taking on the Cardiff Half Marathon again this year in October to raise funds for the charity. Hugh James recently discussed their ongoing support of Horatio’s Garden here, while Sandeep Gill, a Partner at the firm, reflected on Volunteers’ Week and his time spent in the garden on LinkedIn here.
In Horatio’s Garden Scotland, Digby Brown has been a long-term supporter of the charity. They regularly volunteer in our garden by supporting popular coffee and cake mornings for patients and their families. They also help Head Gardener Chelsea Lowe with garden activities and seasonal events throughout the year.
In Horatio’s Garden London and South East, and in Horatio’s Garden Stoke Mandeville, Bolt Burdon Kemp (BBK) has supported the charity for many years. The team regularly supports the gardens by helping Head Gardeners Ashley Edwards and Amy Moffett with garden activities, running events for patients and their families and delivering community talks. They also take on a range of their own fundraising challenges. This year, six BBK team members will be running in the Oxford Half Marathon and Royal Parks Half Marathon, raising funds for Horatio’s Garden.
In Horatio’s Garden Midlands, Horwich Cohen Coghlan Solicitors (HCC) have just started as our Regional Garden Partner. They are long-term supporters of the charity and are already supporting Head Gardener, Alex Law with garden-related activities and planning an exciting year with events and activities to support the work of the charity.
Thank you to our Regional Garden Partners whose volunteering support makes such a difference.
If you are interested in becoming our next Regional Garden Partner for Horatio’s Garden Northern Ireland, Horatio’s Garden South West or Horatio’s Garden Sheffield & East please do get in touch with Corporate Partnerships Manager, Ruth Andrew – ruth.andrew@horatiosgarden.org.uk.