The Irish Times have published a thoughtful feature on award-winning garden designer Sarah Price, who is designing the sixth Horatio’s Garden for University Hospital, Llandough in Cardiff.

The article describes Sarah’s unique, natural and artistic style, highlighting that everyone can apply and adapt her techniques to make the most of their own gardens.

Particularly wonderfully, the article introduces readers to Sarah’s upcoming projects too, one of which is Horatio’s Garden Cardiff. She discusses the challenges of creating one of our uniquely beautiful gardens, whilst simultaneously illustrating how important Horatio’s Garden is to patients spending extended periods of time in hospital.

There is mention too of her own beloved garden, which can be found near Abergavenny in rural Wales. The property and garden once belonged to her grandparents, so it’s a place Sarah has been familiar with for many years. Naturally, the surrounding Welsh landscape she grew up in is often a source of inspiration and many of its key elements are artfully represented in her designs for Horatio’s Garden Cardiff.

It’s lovely to see Sarah receiving the recognition she deserves and we are excited to continue working with her throughout the coming months.

To read more about Sarah in The Irish Times, please CLICK HERE.

To read more about Horatio’s Garden Cardiff, please CLICK HERE.