New research published by the National Garden Scheme has found that braving the cold to visit a garden in winter can significantly improve your wellbeing!
Conducted by environmental psychologist Dr Emma White, the study found that wintertime visitors to National Garden Scheme gardens reported significantly improved wellbeing. The more time spent in the garden, the greater the impact, with guests reporting feeling relaxed, happy, uplifted and hopeful.
While visiting a garden in the summer also improves wellbeing, Dr White’s research suggests that visiting in winter can be even more valuable. As the average level of wellbeing is lower in winter than in summer, the gardens provide a greater positive change when visited in the cold.
Dr Emma White said: “Our research suggests that visiting a garden in winter can be just as beneficial as visiting in summer, as long as you wrap up warm. This is an important finding, as we may notice ourselves getting into gardens less during a time which many consider to be dormant. But winter gardens can be full of life and interest.”
The more nature visitors observed in the garden, such as birds and insects, the more their wellbeing improved. Many respondents also described enjoying seeing the plants and flowers that emerge despite the cold; almost half of visitors (47.6%) mentioned like of the snowdrops, while 29.2% appreciated the emergence of the first signs of spring and 28.2% the scent of flowers like Daphne.
George Plumptre, Chief Executive of the National Garden Scheme, added: “Visits to our snowdrop and spring flower gardens are always a popular start to the garden visiting season and this latest research gives us more of an insight into why that is.”
The National Garden Scheme has been promoting the health benefits of visiting gardens since it was founded in 1927. Now opening over 3,500 gardens a year, the scheme offers affordable access to beautiful gardens across the country and throughout the year. They are also valued supporters of Horatio’s Garden, having donated over £500,000 to support the creation of our horticultural havens in spinal injury centres across the UK.
This year, all of Horatio’s Gardens will be opening their gates in support of the National Garden Scheme. To find out when your nearest Horatio’s Garden is open, click here.
The full report by Dr Emma White, entitled the ‘The wellbeing benefits of visiting National Garden Scheme gardens in winter’, can be found here. We hope that Dr White’s research inspires you to put on your warmest coat and head to a garden soon!