Acclaimed garden designer James Alexander-Sinclair may have brought gardens to life across Europe, but he shared with readers of Garden News that of all the gardens he’s designed, Horatio’s Garden Glasgow is his all-time favourite.
Writing a short article for the magazine he explained why this garden holds a particularly special place in his heart. Naturally, the fact that this garden offers a place for spinal injury patients and their families to relax and reflect in is something that James recognises as being incredibly important. He shares that he loves seeing the garden being cherished by numerous people and that it’s affecting to know that it will continue to lend comfort to many for years to come.
Along with offering some detail about the thought processes behind his planting (which includes an effort to hide road signs!), James reflects on just how much the garden has grown in four short years. He also gives a well-deserved shout out to Head Gardener Sallie Sillars and the volunteer team, who continue to nurture the garden beautifully, so much so that James writes ‘Invariably and unashamedly, I cry every time I go there’.
Unfortunately, due to current restrictions, James was unable to visit the garden as he usually does this spring. However, he instead gave everyone a little insight into how his own garden is twinned with Horatio’s Garden Scotland thanks to a particularly magnificent tulip – simply watch the video below to find out more!