Ahead of the official opening of Horatio’s Garden Oswestry on Sunday 22nd September, mother and daughter team, Bunny and Unity Guinness, recently spent time speaking with Rebecca Lennard of the Oswestry & Border Counties Advertizer in the garden. 

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Both Bunny and Unity have been involved in the project since the very beginning, holding a design consultation day many months ago in order to listen and incorporate design elements that were important to patients. They echoed each other when they said that this garden is unlike anything they’ve ever done before, but that it was a hugely rewarding experience. Bunny said, “It’s nice to do a different project really. I think it’s so important for the patients to have a space with privacy and fresh air”, whilst Unity reinforced her mother’s sentiment as she said, “The garden will help them to get their lives back, both physically and mentally”.  

Co-founder and Chair of Trustees, Dr Olivia Chapple, also spoke with Rebecca, offering readers an insight into the charity’s story and what it hopes to achieve in the future. Olivia was particularly enthusiastic about the current volunteer team and encourages all those who want to be involved to get in touch. Whether you’d like to be a gardener, would like to help our art group, new book club, or are simply looking to offer companionship to patients and relatives you’d be welcome in Horatio’s Garden Oswestry.