Pro Landscaper magazine recently featured a brilliant article about Horatio’s Garden which asked the rather timely question of ‘How do gardens make a difference?’

As many of you will know, Horatio’s Garden regularly contributes to such discussions by demonstrating the various ways in which gardens have a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of both patients with spinal injuries and their loved ones. This particular piece emphasised how important these benefits are in light of the current Coronavirus crisis, at a time when people spending time in hospital are facing the additional challenge of adjusting to life changing injuries without regular, in-person visits from family and friends.

The article explores the ways in which Horatio’s Garden offers support to everyone, not only through the therapeutic activities run by the charity, but also by complementing the medical care offered by each spinal injury centre across the country. It introduces readers to some interesting connections between people’s mental and physical health too, illustrating how the latter is highly dependent on the former.

If you would like to find out more about how gardens do make a real difference, simply CLICK HERE to read the full article.