Consultant Orthopaedic and Spinal Surgeon David Chapple has featured in the Spring 2019 edition of Spinal Surgery News discussing his role as co-founder of Horatio’s Garden.  

His thoughtful interview offers the spinal surgical community an unparalleled insight into the profoundly positive effect each of our gardens has for patients and their families, as well as sharing a little more about the origins of the charity with readers. 

David explained that in his role as founding trustee he supports his wife Olivia in her role as Chair of Trustees, and is regularly on-hand at a variety of fundraising events and patient-centred activities to help everything run smoothly. 

He also emphasised the research the charity undertakes annually to further understand the physical and psychological benefits of gardens to health, and offered his thanks to the spinal community for being so supportive of the charity. This was particularly with reference to BritSpine and the British Association of Spine Surgeons (BASS) who have both generously supported Horatio’s Garden by selecting us as their chosen charity in the past. 

Thank you to the team at Spinal Surgery News for featuring David and Horatio’s Garden. We are incredibly grateful to you all.