Artist Tamsin Loveday is returning to our Arty Afternoon gallery this week, not only to display her latest artistic endeavour, but also to inspire you to create your own uniquely personal collage postcards. 

To watch and follow along, please click on the ‘Play’ button below


The simple, gentle activity is just one of Tamsin’s ways of encouraging people to reconnect with their creative spark. She believes workshops like this are perfect for easing yourself into the artistic world and emphasises that these postcards in particular are a wonderfully thoughtful way to keep in touch with your loved ones too. 

The starting point is to simply gather old magazines, building up a collection of ‘collage compost’ with any words or images you like and feel may work as a composition. There’s no pressure to use everything and part of the charm is making them look a little imperfect, so you don’t need to worry about cutting precisely either! 

As Tamsin demonstrates, there’s also the opportunity to use inks to bring your postcards to life with your own artistic flair, which can be ripped up and placed wherever you feel they fit. There are absolutely no rules when it comes to crafting your collages, as it’s just a chance to experiment with textures, moving elements around and building up layers of little things that mean something to you. 

As watchers of her previous Winter Garden Book video will know, Tamsin likes to create art by any means necessary. She is primarily a Print, Multidisciplinary and Book Artist, with a passion for sharing her skills and ideas by teaching various workshops. She is also a part of the brilliant Plain Arts Salisbury group and graduated from the Winchester School of Art in 2009. 

Having seen a delightful response to Tasmin’s earlier Arty Afternoon contribution from so many of you, we sincerely hope you enjoy her latest video and if you do happen to try creating a collage postcard (or ten!) we’d love to hear from you by email or on social media. 

We are so grateful to Tamsin for sharing her enchanting artwork and can’t wait to receive the postcard she’s kindly penned to Horatio’s Garden too!